Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Inspired by the Horizon Line.

Inspired by the Horizon Line

When someone searches for inspiration

They begin their search at the night sky.

Their eyes stare in mystery and wonder,

Gazing at the distant stars miles away.

They search for glowing comets and galaxies

And stars that race across the atmosphere.

Afraid they’ll blink and miss a shooting star.

That's why it’s magical when they happen to find one.

Their eyes search for impossible secrets

That the vast empty night might hold.

They breathe in the midnight breeze

Hoping the air that had just kissed the stars

Might actually kiss them back, inspiring them.

They always count on stars to share their secrets.

Because are constant, no matter where in the world.

Their loyalty to writers is what makes them intriguing.

It's what keeps someone coming back to be inspired.

Someone might hold their eyes to the sky for hours.

Waiting for words to come that captivates an audience.

Meanwhile lost eyes miss just below the horizon line,

The work of art that's been placed right in front of them,

It’s Waiting for them to bring their eyes down and search its beauty.

This work of art carries unknown variables.

Never constant like the stars and spaces held.

It changes based on where someone is watching from.

The variety of art on the horizon line is what’s alluring.

For some, they might see a distant city.

The life of the city glitters in the lights.

Busy cars rush by to a certain fast pace tempo,

While geometric buildings create striking patterns.

For others, they might see an infinite ocean.

The dark waves create a dance in harmony.

The reflection of the moon lies on the water

It looks distorted, making a Picasso masterpiece.

Someone might look down and see a young couple,

Fingers laced while stealing kisses as they walk.

It might not be an art work like the familiar sky,

But the couple has their own stars in their eyes

Everyone looks to the stars to write poems about.

Stars are unchangeable and as such predictable.

If someone were to look below at what holds the stars.

The risk of being inspired is greater.

What they end up writing about is uncertain.

But maybe, someone could write something equally as beautiful.


I looked at the endless Logan sky tonight.
The stars were loyal and sparkled through cold air.
Around me empty space stretched as far as I could see
And tonight, emptiness is what inspired me.

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