Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chance of Rain

I wonder if it will rain the day you leave
can the skies be sad in the middle of July?
if it did rain would it be a record downpour?
cause babe, that's 365 days I will miss you.

I wonder how much it rains a year in Kuwait.
enough to wash the dust off your combat boots?
if it did, would you look to the sky and think of me?
would it photograph the drops that fall and ruin ink?

Handwritten letters can be held close in storms.

 I wonder if it will ever rain the same time for you and I.
7,434 miles apart cant possibly share the same shade of sky.
will you wake up to its thunder, while I fall asleep to its white noise?

When it rains, Ill stand in it and thank god that rain has a gypsy soul.
Because maybe the same raindrops will touch your skin, and kiss it's warmth.

love is the element found in rain.

Because that's where I found you.

in my storms. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

To The Innocent

The bottle hadn’t ever even touched my lips
Yet still I lived the effects it cynically brought.
I’ve never tasted a drink stronger than coke
Yet still alcohol made my mind swirl with hurt.

I’ve never used a syringe try to numb my pain.
Yet the needle still stabbed my heart repeatedly
I’ve never flown higher then where kites reach
Yet still have woken up crashed from the flight.

I’ve never watched distorted figures “make love.”
Yet still my soul was blackened like the end credits.
I’d never cheated on someone I said I “loved you” to
Yet I still couldn’t say the words “I love you” back.

I’ve never been locked in a room 6 by 8 feet with bars.
Yet still I felt trapped by lies and lists of crimes I’d heard
I’ve never been handcuffed by the side of the highway
Yet still my skin was rubbed raw with continuing lies that hit.

I’ve never stolen drugs and jewelry from someone I love.
Yet still I’ve cried the tears the loss of trust took with it.
I’ve never sold sin to strangers in shapes of capsules
Yet still I felt the cold emptiness the customers searched for.

I’ve never had an addiction,

One like the people I’m supposed to love seemed to have.

I’ve never felt the guilt they go through routinely each day
Yet still I’ve felt the emptiness they must feel every 24 hours.
I’ve never felt the shame of what they do as I look in the mirror
Yet still I’ve felt a sense of hopelessness and lack of faith they have

Because the truth is, Addiction doesn’t affect just the Victim.

I’ve never watched as Addiction destroys my own soul.
Yet still I’ve watched it destroy yours…fraying my own.
I’ve never watched addiction take over my heart with every beat.
Yet still my heart has beat painfully screaming its name angrily.

Addiction has only left me wondering.

Wondering why addiction takes such satisfaction in lives it takes,
Dragging them through the hall to hell by their bleeding fingernails.
On their way passing framed pictures of failed attempts and lost battles.
The hallway ends in darkness and empty because they lost everything.

And all that’s heard is the echoes of addictions last laugh.

Addiction doesn’t stop there though, with passion in its eyes.
It’s not satisfied with one kill shot, and has his next target ready.
Its next aim is the family of the soul being dragged painfully.

Addiction tries to take the lives of the innocent.

And all that’s left is the graves of the cemetery
The tombstones etched with words “Hopeless” and “Defeat.”
The battle is over and everything is silent

And Addiction smiles from above,
Rubbing his hands and plotting his next victim

I just hope the next one is strong enough to defeat him.