Friday, August 1, 2014

Please Don't Let Me Forget

I want to remember today.

I want to remember the fact I woke up at Noon. I'll put it in my pocket as a bit of happiness when I have to get up at 6:30 come August 25th.

I want to remember my dogs wagging tail and morning snuggles in my bed. Ill also miss those come August.

I want to remember the detour my mom and I took driving home to pass "His" house so I could show her where my crush lived. Just in case we ever get in a fight, and I need a reminder that she's my best friend.

I want to remember the "just right" weather tonight. Especially when I will be walking in 10 degree weather in Logan.

I want to remember the group texts that were sent between my best friends and I today. Years down the road, we can laugh about them. 

I want to remember the clouds. I always seem to be happiest on a cloudy day. 

I want to remember what it feels like to write. Just in case I get lost.

I want to remember how much I have thought of you. And how crazy Ive been going this week because I haven't seen you. Ill be even more happy to see you the next time.

I want to remember what it was like to hear the words "I need you." even if it was for something small. I think people underestimate those words.

Nothing happened today that would be worth telling one day.

That doesn't mean I don't want to remember it.