Monday, May 26, 2014

My Heart Was Set On Paris

They told me the flight was booked.
There were no more available tickets to Paris.
instead they suggested a less popular destination.
An English class that compared to Idaho

however, my heart was set on Paris.

For weeks I prayed for an empty seat.
That someone would cancel last minute.

All I could do was hope for a tourist.
they didn't want Paris like I did.

It finally happened one day.
when a seat became available.
I grabbed my new notebook
and rushed to the catch the plane.

I toured the Eiffel tower of being human
and walked the halls of  fear in Notre Dame
I saw the Mona Lisa and learned about creativity
and leaned about risks as I tried an Eclair for the first time.

My tour guide taught from his heart.
I knew he had fallen in love with Paris.

 I knew I wouldn't really arrive in Paris until I fell in love like that.

So, I fell in love with Coffee shops of inspiration
and the language spoken so beautifully in poems.
I fell in love with the people and their stories they told
and the rainy streets I walked through to find myself.

I fell in love with the flag that stood for freedom of words.

I fell in love with the music that played
And the honest hearts I could hear
beating to the rhythm as they wrote.

Ive fallen in love. And It's a place I now call home.

I haven't boarded the plane to go back yet. And I'm already homesick.


  1. This should be read on the first day of class to every class for the rest of life. This should be read so tourists know just how much they don't deserve to be in such a beautiful place. This should be read so those of us that counted down the days to one senior year semester don't feel alone or stupid for asking Santa for a class change. THIS IS PERFECT.
